Wednesday, January 26, 2011


It is an abnormal protrusion of a part or whole of a viscus through an opening in the wall of the cavity in which it is contained.

Types of hernia:
  1. Inginal
  2. Umbilical
  3. Femoral(female)
  4. Incisional
  1. Hiatus hernia
  2. Herniation of brain through the foramen of morgagni
  3. Herniation of abdominal organ through the diaphram.
Commonest:Indirect inguinal hernia(commonest of all)
Commoner hernias:
  1. Inguinal
  2. Femoral
  3. Incisional
  4. Umbilical
Clinically 4 types:
  1. Reducible
  2. Irreducible
  3. Obstructed
  4. Strangulated
Parts of hernia: Herniaa consists of three parts
  • Mouth
  • Neck
  • Body
  • Fundus
  • Intestine-enterocele
  • Omentum-Omentocele
Hernia pictures:

Hernia pictures of male genitalia:

    Symptoms of hernia:
    1.A lump
    2.Discomfort of pain-due to stretching of neck.
    severe pain-obstruction/strangulation

    Treatment of hernia:
    • Indirect inguinal hernia(Uncomplicated)
    Adolescent,Young adult-Herniotomy
    They have very good inguinal muscle.
    Elderly-Herniotomy and herniorrhaphy.
    • Complicated(strangulated)
    Emergency operation done after resuscitation.

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