Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Buerger's Disease

It is a progressive,peripheral,vascular occlusive disease due to involvement of all the three layers of small to medium sized arteries in an non specific inflammatory process.


1.Occlusive disease of medium and small sized arteries:
  • Digital
  • Planter
  • Dorsalis pedis
  • Anterior tibial
  • Radial
2.Thrombophlebitis of superficial and deep veins.
3.Raynaud's phenomenon:In male patient in younger age group.

1.Pain in the limb
a)Intermittent claudication
b)Rest pain
Tingling and numbness/Paresthesia
  • Loss of sensation
  • Coldness of the part
  • Color changes
  • Ulceration or combination of the affected part
 Buerger's Disease pictures:


    A.General signs:
    1.patient is anxious
    2.Patient prefers to sit by the side of the bed hanging the limb,unwilling to lie flat

    B.Local signs:
    • Inspection:
    1. Color changes with line of demarcation
    2. Loss of hair
    3. Skin-dry,shrivelled,mummified,blackened,greasy to touch
    4. Ulcer (if any) examine accordingly
    5. Nails:falling or trophic changes.
    6. Muscle wasting.
    • Palpation:
    1. Temp:cold
    2. Pulse:lost
    3. Sensation:decreased
    4. Motor power:decreased
    5. Reflex function:decreased
    6. Buerger's test
    7. Buerger's angle.
    • Auscultation:
    1. Bruit
    C.Systemic examination: CVS

    1. Stop smoking:prevents progress of disease
    2. Nutritious diet and vitamin supplements
    3. Care of the foot/feet:wearing soft shoes and socks,keeping the feet dry,Careful paring of toe nails
    4. Regular exercise within the limit of claudication pain(distance)
    5. Vasodilator drugs:Nicotinic acid,Isosorbide dinitrate
    6. Analgesics:Diclofenac
    B.Specific Rx:Depends on the condition/situation

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