Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lymphogranuloma Venerum

It is a STD caused by Chlamydia tracomatis(L1,2,3)

Clinical features:
Primary lesions are 2 to 3mm vesicles or erosions over genitalia
Secondary-inguinal lymphadenopathy occurs after 2 weeks become swollen and tender
Groove sign-due to swollen inguinal and femoral lymphnode(Inguinal ligament become tight-due to involvement of femoral and inguinal lymphnode)

Lymphogranuloma Venerum pictures:

  1. Giemsa stain-lymphnode aspirate isolation of LGV agent
  2. LGV-CFT
  3. Microhemoagglutination test-confirm species and strain (L1,2,3)
Doxycycline 100mg for 21 days or Eryrhromycin
500mg q.d.s for 21 days

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