Monday, January 10, 2011


Common in younger children(below 15yr)
Young adult may also be affected at the dormitory,barracks etc.
Mumps of mother during last trimester of pregnancy,there may be chance of mump infection in infant after birth,although he gets immunity.

Mode of transmission:
  • Direct contacts
  • Droplets
  • Fomites
Causative agent:Paramyxo virus
May be endemic
Immunity is life long but second attack may be possible(0.5%)

Incubation period:14-24days.

Clinical features:
  1. Fever
  2. Bodyache,malaise
  3. Swelling over parotid gland-first unilateral and involve other.Swelling completed within 2-3 days and subsides within 7 days.
  4. The swelling is painful.The swelling distorted the angle of mouth.It is associated with regional lymphadenitis.
  1. Clinical
  2. No definite lab aid with limited facilities.The consequence of mumps infection are detroitus
  3. TC,DC:lymphocytosis,leukopenia
  4. Viral culture from blood and saliva
  5. Serological test
Complications of mumps:
  1. Meningoencephalitis,symptoms of meningitis,altered consciousness,disorientation
  2. Orchitis and epididymitis
  3. Oophoritis
  4. Pancreatitis:serum amylase level increased
  5. Myocarditis
  6. Gastritis
  7. Thyroiditis
  8. Nephritis
  9. Unilateral deafness
  10. Occular manifestation-optic neuritis
  11. Dacryoadenitis
  12. Thrombocytopenia
  13. Arthritis
  14. Mumps embryopathy:developmental malformation of child if mother suffer from mumps infection dring pregnancy e.g. endocardial fibro elastosis
  1. Mild analgesic
  2. In case of mumps arthritis:steroid for 2-3 weeks(To suppress complication,steroid is usually given in ward,not theoretically)
Through immunization-
MMR vaccine(measles,mumps,rubella)
Given in school going children(girls)

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