Friday, January 28, 2011

Peptic Ulcer

Definition of Peptic Ulcer: Peptic ulcers are chronic, most often solitary lesion occuring in any part of the GIT exposed to the aggressive action of acid peptic juices.

It is a chronic ulcerative lesion of the GIT at sites exposed to aggressive action of acid peptic juices.

Peptic ulcer

Types of Peptic Ulcer:
  • Duodenal Ulcer
  • Gastric Ulcer
Sites of ulcer in GI tract:
  1. Commonest site:First part of the duodenum on the anterior wall(about 70%)
  2. Within the antral part of stomach towards the lesser curvatures close to the junction of acid secreting and non-acid secreting part.(About 28%)
  3. Lower end of the esophagus (Barrett's esophagus,a site of columnar metaplasia)
  4. Stomach ulcer,within the margins of a gastrojejunostomy.
  5. In the duodenum,stomach or jejunum of patients with Zollinger Ellison Syndrome:Non -B cell of pancrease producing gastrin.This gastrin causes hyper secretion of gastric acid.This tumor may found in any part of GIT.
  6. Mickle's diverticulum that contains ectopic gastric mucosa.
Risk factors/Causes of peptic ulcer:
Imbalance between gastric mucosal barrier (defense mechanism) and acid pepsin mixture(damaging forces):
  1. Hyper acidity
  2. Mucosal barrier defect(in gastric ulcer)
  3. Predisposing condition:-
          a)Genetic influence(duodenal ulcer)

  • Family
  • 'O' negative blood group.
     4.H.pylori infection (Chronic gastritis)-About 85-100% of patients with duodenal ulcer & 65% with gastric ulcer.

Treatment of peptic ulcer:

A.Relieve pain by raising gastric pH(alkalization)
  • Neutralization of gastric acid by antacids.
  • Inhibition of gastric secretion by-H2 blocker,Anticholinergic drugs,PGE2
  • Surgical removal -Gastrectomy
B.To prevent complication
C.To promote healing
  • Bed rest & sedation-Diazepam]
  • Use of ulcer healer drugs-sucralfate
D.To prevent recurrence-
  • Regular diet
  • Avoid ulcerogenic drugs-Aspirin,Steroids
  • Avoid smoking,alcohol,tea,coffee.

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